
Make frontend shit again

< Scroll down for awesomness | Scroll down for awesomness >

User numero:

1545013 baby dancing
crystal ball

Remember when frontend was fun?

hotdog swinging a baseball bat hotdog swinging a baseball bat
  • Lembras-te de FTP ? ftp
  • Lembras-te de Blink ? blink
  • Lembras-te de HTML ? html
  • Lembras-te do jQuery ? jquery
Welcome to the internet, enjoy the ride Welcome to the internet, enjoy the ride
debugging the mind debugging the mind a planet with pizza and hearts on top seal with earth spinning on its nose seal with earth spinning on its nose

Websites de inspiração:

Nós faziamos sites porque era divertido mas a certa altura perdemos rumo.
Precisamos de fazer mais sites estúpidos! Fazer mais coisas inuteis; Fazer com que a internet seja divertida de novo!

spinning heart exclamation emoji

Site feito por Sara Vieira num Hackathon

Código no Github

w3c valid html w3c valid css This page is best viewed with Netscape now!