
Make frontend shit again

< Scroll down for awesomness | Scroll down for awesomness >

You are user:

1545013 baby dancing
crystal ball

Remember when frontend was fun?

hotdog swinging a baseball bat hotdog swinging a baseball bat
  • Remember FTP ? ftp
  • Remember Blink ? blink
  • Remember HTML ? html
  • Remember jQuery ? jquery
Welcome to the internet, enjoy the ride Welcome to the internet, enjoy the ride
debugging the mind debugging the mind a planet with pizza and hearts on top seal with earth spinning on its nose seal with earth spinning on its nose

Friend Sites:

We used to make websites because it was fun but at some point, we lost the way.
We need to make dumb shit! Make useless stuff; make the web fun again!

spinning heart exclamation emoji

Website made by Sara Vieira at a Hackathon

Source code at Github

w3c valid html w3c valid css This page is best viewed with Netscape now!